What do you think of when you think of "the world's smallest album," "singing cookies," and "super universe confession artifact?"
No! wrong! Is it: "Oreo Music Box"!
As soon as he was born, he sat on the net red throne, slammed a wave of rhythm (applause here should be ~)
Xiao Ao feels very proud, but also heard from everyone, want to make it more cool!
Therefore, Xiao Ao combined hands super hero "Andrewo" and "Oreo music box" to form the most adorable CP, bringing a full upgrade of black technology, more cool! Smarter! More powerful!
"Cool upgrade first point" brain hole aura bonus
Deep in the sky and in the vast universe, Andrew Oreo, the brainchild of countless Google designers, was born out of packaging.
According to legend, the reason why Android 8.0 named Oreo is: Oreo is the favorite of Google engineers working late at night!
OMG, eating Oreo can really open the brain? ! Isn't there a kind of sensation that's easy to compare with the "smartest group of people in the world"?
The brain hole is not only so....
"Cool upgrade second point" to sing your love song
"I ate a pack of biscuits and I heard 5 songs."
This time, Xiao Ao heard the fans, upgraded music box allows you to never eat enough cookies, listening to songs can not stop!
"Android Oreo" is a U disk here. You can enjoy your favorite songs. Through it, the music in the music box will change!
Today, literature and art, rock tomorrow, jazz of the day ... with the mood, with the weather, with you.
"The cool upgrade third point" with music dancing
It's better to dance than to dance, not to look small and fresh. "Andrewo Oro" can also be very sultry.
When the music box starts to play, the strongest dancer wants to go to bed. For a song, change it to a dance STYLE! Indian style, hip-hop style...
Small fresh color, stupid cute Moe's appearance, the content of great wisdom, plus magic dance! Say you like it or not!
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